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Prioritize on Property Maintenance

At the beginning, vacating into new property is exciting for tenants. It’s like acquiring a new vehicle or furniture. Very pleasant at first, but the excitement gradually diminishes with time, as they get used to the property. Ultimately, a tenant begins perceiving you as some huge extortionist who’s persistently making insane profits from them. The property stops feeling like a home or business premise, and more like a system of capitalist walls.

Sadly, for most property managers, it only gets worse because they only contact tenants when rent is overdue. That’s why many tenants have such a bad view of property managers, and hope to vacate their properties as soon as possible.

One of the most effective ways to counter this effect is prioritizing on property maintenance. This not only improves material durability, but also consistently impresses tenants and reignites their excitement. They begin feeling like valued customers, and continue staying at your property with a more positive attitude.

To maintain a good tempo, coordinate all the maintenance activities through your property management system. SecondKeys, for instance, has all tools for maintenance request, give you more control of property management, make payments and maintenance requests easier, and lower property cost through better maintenance tracking.


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